A downloadable game for Windows

version  beta 0.1. Web build & other platforms coming in full release

Welcome to The Triangle. The game is  just a triangle that can shoot. There are enemies (magenta circles) that try to kill you. You want to kill them. Once You've killed all the enemies, go touch the red rectangle. It will take you to the next room. Every Room has one more enemy than the previous one.


  • WASD to move
  • Space or LMB to shoot
  • F1 to mute the music (in case you don't like it.)

This game is in development; Here's some things that will be added in the full game:

  • Upgrades such as firerate, damage, bullet amount, bullet speed, bullet accuracy,  and others
  • High scores and a global leaderboard
  • More enemies
  • Boss fights
  • More rooms
  • Power-Ups
  • 2 player split-screen mode!
  • Different game modes (Such as ones where there's more enemies or the player moves differently,  and others.)

Please Report bugs in the comments. Feedback and suggestions appreciated.


TheTriangle2.zip 17 MB

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